Enhancing Your Fertility with Herbs

How Can Herbs Help You On Your Fertility Journey?

If you want to know more about these powerful healing plants & their role in improving your chances of conception then read on for an overview…

Herbal medicine is definitely my jam and who doesn’t love medicine that offers us the gift of beauty as well! Anyone that knows me knows that herbs are truly my passion. These plant medicines have so much to offer us in restoring balance and harmony to our bodies, minds and emotions. Herbs play a vital role in fertility and reproductive wellness. In fact, I personally believe and have experienced with clients experiencing fertility issues, that it’s the herbs that create the deeper shifts needed. Nutrition and lifestyle medicine are essential to create a strong solid foundation, however when it comes to fertility challenges they generally are not enough on their own. Herbs contain healing compounds that actively work in the body to effect healing and restore balance. There really is nothing offered by either mainstream or alternative medicine that can equal the healing capacity of herbs.


People who are experiencing fertility challenges often want to know which herb to take for a specific symptom, condition or circumstance, however herbs do not work in such a prescriptive way as this. Consulting with an experienced herbalist or naturopath who is well versed in the art of herbal formulating makes all the difference. This is because herbs generally work better in a formula together where they have a synergistic effect and address different aspects contributing to the fertility challenge. Working only at a symptomatic level does not achieve lasting and meaningful results. An experienced practitioner can assess and determine the underlying causes and prescribe the appropriate herbs and this may require treatment for other body systems such as the nervous system, adrenals, thyroid or gut for example.


Working on the underlying causes is where the real magic lies in experiencing meaningful shifts in your fertility challenges. Achieving the best outcomes not just for your fertility but also your future health throughout pregnancy, postpartum and beyond and of course the health of your baby. This means any of the medicinal herbs available may be relevant to your circumstances. Having said all of that I am going to briefly outline some of the herbs that are commonly used for fertility and reproductive health that you may have heard about.


Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus)

Vitex is perhaps one of the most well known herbs for promoting fertility. This herb has a long history of use dating back to Roman times. Today it is primarily considered to be a herb for women’s health. It is used for infertility, PMS, menstrual cycle irregularities and perimenopause. Vitex is used in infertility to:

·      Lengthen a deficient luteal phase which improves fertility and can reduce miscarriage associated with deficient progesterone.

·      Stimulate ovulation where it has ceased due to high prolactin.

·      Declining ovarian function that is associated with premature ovarian insufficiency and perimenopause.


Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa)

Black cohosh was originally used by first nations North Americans for female reproductive issues. It was adopted by European settlers and is now used widely and has been shown to have oestrogen modulating activity, however the specific hormonal mechanisms of action remain poorly understood. Black cohosh is used in cases of age related infertility, premature ovarian insufficiency and polycystic ovarian syndrome.


Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)

Shatavari has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries as a tonic for the womb, for menstrual cycle disorders and as an aphrodisiac. In fact, shatavari translates as ‘she who possesses a hundred husbands’! It is a beautifully nourishing tonic for the womb and enhances fertility where there is low oestrogen associated with exhaustion, chronic stress & low libido. Shatavari supports ovarian function, increases ovulation and improves vaginal lubrication.


Tribulus (Tribulus terrestris)

Tribulus has been traditionally used for impotence, infertility, as an aphrodisiac and to restore depleted energy levels due to exhaustion from chronic stress. Tribulus is oestrogen promoting and enhances fertility where there is a picture of deficient androgens and low oestrogen. It enhances fertility by improving ovarian function, egg quality and is also beneficial in female sexual dysfunction.


If you need expert guidance and support in your fertility journey then book in for an appointment with me or alternatively book a free 10 minute chat to determine whether I’m right for you.

I’m looking forward to walking alongside you with support and expert guidance on your fertility journey x

Tracey McLean